A Welcome Return

Yesterday morning, Eminem’s new video for the first single off his upcoming album, Relapse, made its debut on MTV (albeit at 6:00am, the only time they still play videos apparently). The song “We Made You” has a mid-tempo old-school vibe, with a fun chorus that sounds like a demented nursery rhyme. The video is a typical, overblown affair from a rapper who has made a name for himself playing off the ridiculousness of pop culture. It wouldn’t hurt if next time he at least attempted some sort of subtlety, but we’re certainly not complaining. Check out the video above!

Post written by Dave Taggart.


Campbell Bird said...

Sounds like Eminem is just listing all the stuff he missed while he went AWOL. Also, he doesn't sound too relevant anymore...

coffee maker said...

just when I was staring to think that Eminem takes himself too seriously, he comes out with a video like this...