Review: Battlestar Galactica Season Two

Don't let the questionable music choice for the above trailer fool you, part two of my quest to conquer Battlestar Galactica has been quite an enjoyable experience, even though this season is quite as tight and polished as the first.

Needless to say, season two of Battlestar picks up right where season one left off, continuing the human effort to escape the cylon threat. This time around though, there are more than a few isolated story-arcs, making parts of the season come off as more episodic than I would have liked. The show just seems to lend itself more towards following a main story rather than delivering seemingly random, slice of life pieces.

With that aside, every episode is still consistently strong. The only bad thing about season two is that it marks the beginning of a series of increasingly bizarre events that continue throughout the rest of the season, and these events can be rather off-putting, especially for casual viewers. This is not to say that the neurotic Dr. Baltar's constant conversations with a woman that lives inside his head isn't weird; but, let's just say--for the sake of avoiding spoilers--weirder stuff happens this season.

Other than that though, you can expect a similar feeling of 'hey, this is Battlestar Galactica, and it's pretty good' from pretty much every episode. The entire cast turns in a strong performance, especially Mary McDonnell, Edward James Olmos, and James Callis.

So, in summary, Battlestar is still a really strong show by the end of its second season. While it probably will not win you over if you did not like the show's first season, it is definitely a no-brainer that you should check it out if you did.