Amazon's 50/$5 August Recommendations

I've recently become aware of's monthly promotion where the top album picks from the site editors go up for sale for $5 each. The only troublesome part of the whole deal is that the editors end up posting 50 albums, which may seem a little overwhelming for those looking to get the absolute most bang for their music-loving buck. To try and solve this problem, I've decided to prune each of these lists each month starting now. So, without further ado, here's the cream of the crop of this month's 50/$5 deals.

Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

The Field - Yesterday and Today

A-Trak - Infinity +1

The Cool Kids - The Bake Sale

Dirty Projectors - Rise Above

Luckily, this month's selections provided for pretty eclectic mix ranging everywhere from hip-hop to indie rock, and even minimalistic progressive techno. Hopefully, you find these recommendations helpful, and be sure to check out next month's top 5 50/$5.